Application of baking soda in chicken industry Moisture absorption and deodorization Baking soda is placed in the air and has the function of removing odors from the air and absorbing moisture. Therefore, the amount of baking soda placed in the broiler house not only can absorb the moisture in the air, reduce the humidity in the house, but also effectively remove the odor in the house. Long-lasting baking soda in the broiler house does not have to be discarded. It can be used to clean feed troughs and drinking troughs. Improve production performance Baking soda neutralizes stomach acid, dissolves mucus, and reduces the concentration of digestive juices. It has a stomachic, acid-suppressing and appetite-enhancing effect. Adding 0.4% baking soda to the diet can increase the fertilization rate of the egg by 4% to 5%. Adding 0.7% baking soda to the 2-week-old broiler diet can increase the weight by 5% to 6%. Adding 0.5% to 0.8% of baking soda to the chicken diet can significantly increase the egg production rate, and can increase the egg shell thickness by 6% and reduce the egg breakage rate. Heat stress High temperatures in summer can easily lead to metabolic acidosis in chickens. Adding enough baking soda in feed can eliminate this effect and balance blood buffer. Experiments showed that when chickens were heat-stressed, 4% baking soda was added to the feed, and the flock disability rate was reduced by half compared to no added baking soda. Maintain acid-base balance in the body The acid-base balance in chickens is mainly regulated by a buffer system, and baking soda is the most important part of the buffer system. Reduce the incidence of ascites in broilers Adding 1% baking soda to corn and soybean meal diets can alkalinize the diet. Significantly reduce the incidence of ascites in broilers. Reduce the occurrence of breast cysts in broilers In feeding practice, using baking soda to replace part of salt can reduce the water consumption of broilers, improve the sanitary quality of litter, and improve the quality of litter. Therefore, the incidence of toe erosion and thoracic cysts is significantly reduced. Precautions There are two points to note when using baking soda in chicken production: Alkali-damaged drugs or additives, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, and folic acid, and antibacterial and organic acids, should be avoided in combination with baking soda. Use baking soda to the right amount. Overdosing of baking soda can cause alkalosis, and should reduce the amount of salt to avoid excessive intake of sodium.
The human tongue has a range of specific taste sensation neural receptors called taste receptors which are organized mainly as papillae on the tongue. When stimulated by chemicals, natural or synthetic, organic or inorganic, cations or anions, the receptors send signals to the brain which interprets the stimulations as sweet, bitter, sour, salty, and savory (unami, meaty taste). For examples, cations such as Na+ present in the table salt evoke the salty taste, and H+ presents in acids evokes a sour taste. Organic compounds such as sugars, dextrins and glycerol result in sweet taste, glutamate results in savory taste, while many toxic compounds such as nicotine, morphine, caffeine, quinine, etc. result in bitter taste. The sensation of tastes is an evolution trait for defense against poisons (normally evoke bitter taste), and for allowance of nutrients intake (normally evoke sweet or savory taste).
Sugar is a natural sweetener as well as a nutrient consumed in vast quantity around the world. It is one of the major calorie intakes by humans. Over consumption of sugar often leads to obesity and other related medical conditions. High blood sugar level (hyperglycemia) is a manifestation of the disease diabetic mellitus; if not managed properly, it could lead to a range of medical complications. To combat these medical conditions, high potency Sweeteners with no calorie or low calorie intake are often being used to substitute sugar. Proper control of calorie intake, coupled with the use of these sugar substitutes has been very effective in managing the medical conditions.
Besides the medical indications, using sugar substitutes brings the economic benefit of lowering the cost of many foods and consumer products, from soft drinks to cakes, pasties, and even toothpastes.
A variety of chemical compounds, natural or synthetic, can evoke sweet taste, but not all of them are safe (for example lead acetate has a sweet taste but it is extremely toxic), nor are sweet taste specific (for examples, many of synthetic sweeteners can also evoke other senses of taste such as bitterness or metallic sensation). Therefore, selection of the right sweetener for a specific use depends not only on the cost, but also more importantly on the health and safety, the sweetening potency, the effectiveness under various physical conditions such as cooking temperature (heat stability) and pH, as well as other unwanted tense of tastes of the sweetener.
At Sunshine Biotech, we have the expertise and technical know-hows to help you make the right selection for the right use.
Sweeteners Artificial Sweetener,Stevia Liquid,Aspartame Powder,Neotame Powder Nanjing Sunshine Biotech Co., Ltd ,