Black goat breeding management technology

1, grazing management points spring grazing first put the hay slope or feeding some hay, and then put the grass slope, to prevent the sheep running green and hernia, the morning cold, can not let the sheep eat dew grass, or easily lead to diarrhea; summer should do Good heatstroke cooling work, when the hot afternoon, the flock should be allowed to rest in the ventilated, cool place. At the same time, the flock should be given more water and salt; the autumn is the season of flocking and catching the sheep; Keep cold, keep warm, keep warm, keep lambs.

2. Sheltering techniques Sheltering should be equipped with special sheep houses and sports grounds, as well as a feeding trough and a sink. Feeding should pay attention to timing, quantitative, qualitative, and fixed. According to different sheep, determine the amount of feed, both to eat, but not wasted. Forage, feed, drinking water should be clean, not to feed moldy fodder, warm water is best to drink in the winter, keep the sheep house clean and dry, so that it is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the manure should be cleaned regularly. We must do two spring and autumn epidemics and regular deworming. Usually do a good job of sanitation, disinfection, sheep manure to be used after the accumulation of fermentation, while increasing the sheep movement to maintain the health of the sheep.

3, breeding and management of breeding rams to maintain the upper lyrical, strong sexual desire. The feed requires high nutritional value, sufficient amounts of protein, vitamins and inorganic salts, etc., and is easy to digest and has good palatability. To be raised in a single lap, separate herds are grazing, sporting, and feeding, and do not mix with ewes.

Ewes must do a good job of rejuvenation before mating, and lean ewes should be properly increased nutrition. Green and rough feeds are fed freely, and concentrates feed about 0.2 kilograms per day. During pregnancy, management should be strengthened to prevent crowding, skipping dizziness, panic, and slipping. Daily activities should be slow and steady, and mild feed and frozen feed should not be provided to prevent miscarriage. Late pregnancy, due to rapid fetal development, should increase the amount of fine feed. About 10 days before delivery, you should feed more succulent feed. During lactation, nutrition should be strengthened to ensure adequate milk supply.

4. Management of Lambs Newborn lambs should eat as early as possible and eat more colostrum. The sooner they eat, the more they eat, and the faster they gain weight, the stronger their constitution, the lesser the incidence, and the higher survival rate. From 10 days after the start of the grass, 20 days of training began to eat, in order to promote the normal development of the lamb, for the sheep lamb can not be used for seeding ligation or surgical castration.

5. Management of bred sheep Semi-grazing semi-shepherd feeding is the best way to raise young sheep. After weaning to 8 months of age, it is supplemented with 15% of digestible crude protein on the basis of eating enough quality hay every day. Material 0.2 kg, if the fine grass quality can also be less fine material.

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Gw-501516 (Cardarine) and SR9009 (stenabolic) are not SARMS,GW is a PPAR receptor agonist and SR is a Rev-ERba agonist. Yet both are still sold as SARMS, known in the industry as SARMS. They are all very good at burning fat, especially for endurance.
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