First, clear the garden after fruit harvesting. Practice has proved that the effect of the two gardens is very good in a year. After picking fruit, the clear garden can kill a large part of pests and germs, and in combination with the spring garden to eliminate the remaining pests and diseases, then the pressure to control pests and diseases in the growing season of fruit trees is very high. small. For example, red and white spiders are adults for winter, and a red and white spider can reproduce hundreds of thousands of offspring in the summer. Then kill a red-and-white spider in the clear garden. The fruit trees will have hundreds of thousands of red and white spiders in the summer. Therefore, we must clear the garden after picking fruit. After clearing the fruit after harvesting, it is also possible to add foliar fertilizer to increase the leaf shedding time, increase the photosynthesis of the leaves, make more nutrients and more reflux, and in order to increase the nitrogen reserve, you can also add 3% to 100% The fifth of petrochemical urea is really worth mentioning. Second, kill the big branch. The fruit picking time basically arrived in November, when you can remove some of the big branches of the fruit trees that affect the light. As the leaves fall behind, the light on the trees is almost always good. Therefore, there are still leaves on the tree after fruit picking. It is just a matter of judging where lighting is not good, which big branch needs to be killed, and you can see it at a glance. After killing large branches, you can see that the killing is reasonable and unreasonable. In addition, the trimmed wounds in December and January are the peak of the rot disease. After deciduous, the large branches have a high chance of rot. After the fruit is picked, the big branches must be applied with a good healing agent, and they must be stickers to prevent decay. Infection. Third, thinning. Many orchards are dense and individual. The overall illumination of the whole garden is not good, and individual lighting is also not good. By the time the apples are colored, the external fruits are red, but the redness of the internal organs is not good. After the fruit is harvested, some lobular plants are seriously damaged and the mosaics are severely marked. Some trees that need to be thinned are also marked and the thinning orchard is ready for preliminary preparation. Http://Content/7098b746-6aa3-42ef-9c3d-1e3e9045b1eb?cType=2
Metatron Hunter 4025
Metatron Hunter 4025,Metapathia Gr Hunter 4025,Metatron 4025 Nls,Metatron Gr Hunter 4025,Vector V16,Vector V19
The NLS Metatron Hunter 4025 machine is a bioresonance diagnostic and therapy device. It is based on the principles of quantum physics and uses the concept of resonance to assess the health status of an individual. The machine utilizes electromagnetic waves to scan the body and provide information about the functioning of various organs, tissues, and systems. It can detect imbalances, pathogens, and other factors that may contribute to health issues. The Metatron Hunter 4025 machine can also provide therapy by applying specific frequencies to restore balance and promote healing. It is used by some practitioners as a complementary tool for health assessment and treatment.
Metatron Hunter 4025,Metapathia Gr Hunter 4025,Metatron 4025 Nls,Metatron Gr Hunter 4025,Vector V16,Vector V19 Shenzhen Guangyang Zhongkang Technology Co., Ltd. ,
The Metapathia-GR Hunter software can operate only with the telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing apparatus "Metatron" and its subsequent modifications. The telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing device is compatible with the IBM-type PCs and intended for studying reaction of a biological object to different types of the informational impact. "Metatron" allows correlating the measurement process with the process affecting it and performs the following.
Fruit harvesting park to do three things
The result of conventional fruit harvesting is a period of time after the fruit farmer has taken a rest. After the leaves are lagging behind for winter cuts, there is still much work to be done to manage the orchards well and produce good fruit.