Diatomite Deodorization Desiccant Air Freshener Balls,Diatomite Deodorization Desiccant,Diatomite Desiccant,Diatomite Drying Egg Dongguan Vanilla Bioengineering Co., Ltd. , https://www.healthecigarette.de Jinbao fermentation bed (the thickness of the fermentation bed is up to standard)
Many of our customers have used our Golden Delicious microbial Fermentation Fermentation products and have received excellent results, making our Golden Baby products more reliable. However, some people do not achieve the desired results. Actually, this is not a product issue, but a variety of mistakes have occurred during the operation. For example: microbial fermentation beds used for pigs, many foreign fermentation beds have to reach a thickness of one meter, while the Golden Dolphine fermentation bed takes into account the cost of pig farmers using advanced technology can make the fermentation bed in 50 cm thickness and produce the same fermentation effect , but some people take it for granted that 30 centimeters, 25 centimeters, and 20 centimeters are also acceptable. This way of thinking is absolutely impossible! The thinning of the fermentation bed is still effective a few days before the initial stage of fermentation, but later it is not enough. The fermentation bed is too thin to be able to form a good gradient of absorption humidity, absorb excessive load, overload the pig's excreta, is too saturated. In the case of spoilage microorganisms began to work, the temperature dropped and stinks stinky. In addition, the habit of arching in the pig itself, the originally thick fermentation bed was arched under several times, completely losing the fermentation significance of the fermentation bed. Details can visit the website or consult.