New research uses artificial intelligence to determine drug molecular structure

New research uses artificial intelligence to determine drug molecular structure

November 1, 2018 Source: Xinhua News Agency Author: Liu Song

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Swiss researchers have developed a new method for using artificial intelligence to determine the molecular structure of drugs, which is much more efficient than existing methods and helps the pharmaceutical industry develop new drugs.

To fully understand the efficacy of drugs in the human body, researchers need to determine their molecular structure. Researchers often use nuclear magnetic resonance technology to detect molecular structures, but previous correlation calculations are complex and time consuming.

Researchers at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, published a paper in a new issue of the journal Nature Communications, in which they developed a machine learning program that uses a database to train it and analyze the efficiency of data from NMR techniques. Very high, almost 10,000 times the current method.

Researchers say the artificial intelligence technology helps the pharmaceutical industry test drug safety and develop new drugs, and interested parties can use the program free of charge on the research team's website.

Collapsible Foot Bath Machine

The folding foot bath machine is a device that can be used to soak and massage feet. It's designed to be portable and easy to store, making it ideal for those who want to enjoy a foot soak and massage at home or on the go.

The machine usually consists of a basin or bathtub filled with water and an electric device that provides massage and vibrations. Some models may also feature heating or cooling to help soothe sore or tired feet.

The foldable design allows the foot bath machine to be easily stored in a closet or under the bed when not in use. Some models may also come with a carrying case or tote bag for added convenience.

Overall, the Foldable Foot Bath is a great way to relax and rejuvenate your feet after a long day. It can also help improve circulation and reduce pain and discomfort associated with conditions like plantar fasciitis or arthritis.

Collapsible Foot Bath Machine,Foot Bath Basin,Foot Spa Bath Basin,Water Foot Bath Machine

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