Plasma Products,Anti-Hbs,Safe Plasma,Safe Plasma Storage Sichuan Yuanda Shuyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,
Orchard weeding method
Due to the rapid, effective, and economical features of chemical control, the current labor shortage and rising labor costs make chemical weeding more convenient and economical. However, the herbicide application technology is more complex, different species, flowers, seedlings need different herbicides, dosage and spraying period, methods are not the same, need to be the appropriate herbicides and supporting suitable for different trees, flowers, weeds. Application methods, such as apple, pear, grape, citrus, pineapple, spray 40% atrazine 3000~6000g/hm2 in the initial stage of spring weed emergence (low content of sandy soil and high amount of clay soil). Effective control of monocotyledonous, dicotyledonous weeds in the growing season, and in the summer when weeds have grown, use 10% glyphosate 6000-9000ml/hm2 plus 450L of water, plus detergent 0.2% detergent (adhesion, efficiency increase) Agent) 900g, can effectively grow large grass has been grown, it is best to wear a protective cover when the wind, Taoyuan application of 33% weeding pass 3000 ~ 3750ml/hm2, or 72% dole 1500 ~ 2250ml/hm2, in Before the emergence of weeds, add water 450L, spray soil treatment, 25% diuron 3750 ~ 7500g/hm2; 80% fumero 3000 ~ 4500g/hm2, also commonly used in spring orchard soil treatment weeding. 205 Paraquat 2250-3000ml/hm2 is commonly used in orchards. Summer weeds grow to 20-30cm in height, and add 450-600L of water. Uniform spray can quickly remove annual single and dicotyledonous weeds, but only kill perennial weeds. Aboveground.