Book shape, saving money can also be used as home furnishings Steel Safe,Book Safe,Creative Book Safe,Book Secret Safe Box Ningbo Reliance Security Technology CO.,Ltd ,
Large storage capacity of the book safe
Convenient, practical, solid, with 2 ways to open: key and password
Red dry pepper seed treatment
(1) Pack the seeds and put them in the sun for 4 to 5 days. Avoid drying on iron or concrete floors. (2) soaking in warm water of 50 to 55 degrees Celsius, the amount of water can be 5 times the amount of seeds, soaking 8 to 12 hours, panning without spicy taste. Then remove and germinate at 28 to 30 degrees Celsius. (3) Germination, rinsing once a day at a water temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, and sowing the seeds after 50 minutes.