Scientists discover new compound "SR-18292", which is expected to cure type 2 diabetes

Scientists discover new compound "SR-18292", which is expected to cure type 2 diabetes

March 31, 2017 Source: Medicalxpress

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[New compound "SR-18292" resists diabetes by reducing hepatic glucose production] Scientists may have found a new research tool that may treat type 2 diabetes, which is considered to be close to 95% of cases in the United States.
A group of scientists at the Florida campus, such as the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, and Yale University School of Medicine, have identified a new class of compounds that reduce glucose production. One of these compounds designed and optimized by TSRI scientists - significantly improves the health of diabetic animal models by lowering glucose levels in the blood, increasing insulin sensitivity and improving glucose balance.
The study was recently published in the journal Cell, led by Pere Puigsever and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard Medical School, including Patrick Griffin, co-chair of the TSRI Department of Molecular Medicine, and Theodore Kamenecka, associate professor of TSRI.
The compound they identified, called SR-18292, modifies a protein called PGC-1α. This protein plays a key role in energy balance and helps control genes involved in energy metabolism. When cells overexpress PGC-1, for example, during fasting or starvation, glucose production in the liver increases. But when scientists changed the function of PGC-1α through a process called acetylation, glucose production decreased.
Griffin said: "This protein is usually considered to be non-pharmaceutical." The team solves this problem through the acetylation process, which means that we can indirectly affect the behavior of the protein, SR-18292 will increase the acetylation of PGC-1, which in turn will shut down glucose production in the liver cells. Inhibition of this overproduction makes PGC-1α a mature development in anti-diabetic treatment.
Griffin said: "After several potential candidate compounds were discovered during the screening process, the TSRI team designed these initial hit derivatives." We chose this compound based on its ability to induce acetylation and the fact that it has good pharmaceutical properties, so we can use it in animal models of type 2 diabetes.
Griffin explained: "Although it is not known what protein or enzyme directly targets SR-18292, this new compound plus several other compounds we manufacture can be used as a chemical tool to study the regulation of glucose metabolism." The researchers added: "These small molecules can be used as a single drug for the treatment of diabetes one day or in combination with current anti-diabetic drugs."


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