Stratified reclaiming: When silage is taken, it must be taken from one end of the pit, and taken from the surface layer by layer, with a certain thickness, so that the silage always maintains a flat surface and cannot be picked up by a burrowing. , And avoid muddy things mixed in. Take the appropriate amount: Each time the amount of material to feed enough to feed a day is appropriate, the number of animals to eat every day to take the number of materials, do not take a long-term feeding, so as not to cause feed rot deterioration. Timely sealing: After the silage is taken out, the cellar mouth should be sealed in time to prevent its long-term exposure to air and cause deterioration. Isolation Googgles,safety goggles,Medical Goggles,Anti fog Goggles Protective Goggles Suzhou Xuanweicheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd ,