Eucommia summer breeding method

High-altitude slats are planted each year from June to July. In high-quality plants, 2-3 years old, about 1 cm in diameter, are selected as high-pressure twigs, and about 15 cm from the high-pressure twigs are selected as high-pressure dents. The skin is peeled off with a knife, and the width is about 6 cm. The skin of the place can also be beaten with a small stick. The strength of the beat is to break the skin without breaking. After drying for 3 to 4 days, a plastic cylinder is used to make 2 to 3 rounds of high pressure to form a cylinder. The cylinder has a length of 25 cm and a diameter of 10 cm. Then, 5 cm under the high pressure position with a rope to tie the plastic film cylinder, the culture soil filled with plastic film, so that the high pressure branches in the middle of the plastic film cylinder. After filling, the upper end of the high pressure position is tightly tied with a rope to make it spherical. Afterwards, clean water is injected into the culture soil once a week with a large syringe to keep the nutritious soil moist. In 30 days or so, the high-pressure branch wounds will heal and grow new roots; about 60 days, the branches will be cut off from the mother tree, remove the plastic film, and you can transplant. Produce nutrient soil, use humus soil plus 20% of composted manure. Twig cuttings from June to August selected the strong shoots of the year, cut into small pieces with 3 lateral buds, and soaked for 1 to 2 hours per kilogram of the ABT2 rooting powder solution containing 50 mg. Note that the top bud leaf on each segment should be retained. Use a wooden cone to drill on the seedbed and insert the shoots into the seedbed. It is advisable that the upper side of the shoot height is equal to the height of the bed surface. The upper leaves can be exposed, and then the shaded shed is placed on the surface of the seedbed. Before the roots are formed, they should be sprayed once every morning and evening within about one month. After the formation of the root system, it is necessary to gradually reduce the number of water sprays as long as the bed surface is kept moist. Twig cuttings take the morning as the best time. The survival rate of the cuttings is high and the growth is fast.

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