Men's health "gold recipes" Eat more to prevent cancer

It is known that garlic has a strong bactericidal ability and can eliminate germs that invade the body. But do you know? It also helps in the absorption of vitamin B1, promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates to produce energy, and relieves fatigue. Another important function of garlic is to enhance immunity. Lead selenium contained therein also has anti-oxidant properties and is therefore considered to be anti-cancer food.

Since men were 24 years old, the quality and quantity of sperm were declining. Male semen contains a large amount of zinc, and when there is not enough zinc in the body, it affects the quantity and quality of sperm. Seafoods such as clams, shrimps, and crabs have the most abundant zinc content. The content of zinc in a small clam can meet the daily requirement (15 mg), thereby enhancing men's sexual ability.

The age range of men suffering from hyperlipidemia and stroke is declining year by year, and omega-3 fatty acids in deep-sea fishes can prevent blood clotting, reduce vasoconstriction, and lower triglycerides, which are particularly effective in maintaining cardiovascular health. Deep-sea fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including stingrays, saury, grouper, and squid, can be substituted for eating, but keep in mind that you should eat fish at least twice a week.

Men tend to prefer animal fats, but this can overload the kidneys and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, malignancy and other diseases. Therefore, men should learn to eat lightly, especially to reduce the amount of animal fats and total cooking oil. In addition, when eating pork, it is best to mix it with beans, because soy products contain a large amount of lecithin, which can emulsify plasma and make cholesterol and fat particles smaller to prevent the formation of hardened plaque.

Because men play a role as bearers in work, family, and society for a long period of time, they are under high pressure for a long period of time and need to supplement their nutrition. Those who are often nervous can eat 3 to 5 fresh dates each day, supplemented with vitamin C to cope with the heavy workload. In addition to fresh dates, foods rich in vitamin C include kiwifruit, oranges, oranges, broccoli, and asparagus.

If you have to drink alcohol, drink red wine. Because the polyphenols contained in the grape skin remain in the liquor, the risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced. In addition, red wine can enhance anti-oxidation and prevent arteriosclerosis. The latest research results show that red wine is also effective in preventing men's Alzheimer's disease. In general, middle-aged men drink on average 100-150 ml per day. In addition, fasting should be avoided, and drinking better when accompanied by a meal. This will increase appetite, help digestion, and reduce the absorption of alcohol.

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