Morphological characteristics of Cimicifuga

Morphological characteristics

1, Cimicifuga, perennial herb, 1-2m high. Rhizome thick, solid, black surface, there are many caves in the facade of the old remnants of the facade. Stems erect, branches above, pubescent. The leaves are two to three and three and three pinnate compound leaves; petiole up to 15cm; the terminal leaves of the lower leaves of the stems are long-handled, rhomboid, 7-10cm long, 4-7cm wide, often 3-lobed, margin serrate, lateral The leaflets are short-stalked or sessile, obliquely ovate, slightly smaller than the terminal lobules, serrate on margin, glabrous above, sparsely white fur down along veins below. Complex racemes with branching 3-20, as long as 45cm, branching as long as 15cm; inflorescence axis densely gray or rust-colored glandular hairs and pubescent; bracts subulate, shorter than pedicels; flowers bisexual; Sepals 5, petaloid, obovate-orbicular, white or greenish white, 3-4 mm long, caducous; no petals; staminodes broadly elliptic, ca. 3 mm, apex retuse or 2-lobed; stamens numerous, long 4-7mm; carpels 2-5, densely gray pubescent, sessile or stalk very short. Capsule, long ball, 8-14mm long, 2.5-5mm wide, densely appressed pilose, fruit handle 2-3mm long, short. Seeds are oval, brown, 2.5-3mm long, surrounded by membranous striata. Flowering from July to September, fruiting from August to October.


2, Xingan Zhima, perennial herb, up to 1m. The rhizomes are stout, curved, and black on the surface. There are many remnants of old stems that caved in. Stems erect, glabrous or minutely hairy. The lower cauline leaves are 2 to 3 backs of geraniol leaves; petiole up to 17 cm; terminal lobules broadly rhombic, 5-10 cm long, 3.5-9 cm wide, 3 deep-divided, base slightly heart-shaped or rounded, with irregular edges Sawtooth, lateral leaflets oblong-ovate, slightly oblique, margin irregularly serrate, glabrous above, veins below surface veins puberulent; upper leaves of stems resembling lower leaves, but smaller, with short stalks. Complex racemes; floral unisexual, dioecious, male plants inflorescences large, as long as 30cm, branches 7-20, female inflorescences slightly smaller, fewer branches; inflorescence axis and pedicel gray glandular hairs and pubescent Rhizomes sepals; sepals 5, petals, white, broadly elliptic or broadly obovate, 3-3.5 mm long, caducous; petals absent; staminodes forked 2-parted, anterior each with 1 empty anther; stamens Most filaments filiform, 4-5mm long, anthers ca. 1mm; carpels 4-7, sparsely gray or subglabrous, sessile or shortly stalked. Capsule, 7-8mm long, 4mm wide, appressed white pilose apex, pedicel 1-2mm. Seed oval, about 3mm long, brown, surrounded by membranous lepidoptera, central horizontal lepidoptera wings. Flowering from July to August, fruiting from August to September.

3, big three-leaf Cimicifuga, perennial herb, high 1m or higher. The rhizomes are coarse and have a black surface. There are many remnants of old stems that have caved holes. Stems erect, glabrous, lower stem leaves 2 to 3 compound leaves, glabrous; petiole up to 20 cm, glabrous; terminal leaflets obovate or obovate-elliptic, 6-12 cm long, 4-9 cm wide, Apex 3-lobed, base rounded, circularly cuneate or slightly cordate, margins coarsely toothed, lateral leaflets obliquely ovate, smaller than terminal leaflets, glabrous or inferiorly veined sparsely white pubescent; upper stems usually Three times for the complex leaves. Complex racemes, 2-9-branched; inflorescence axillary and pedicel gray glandular hairs and pilose; sepals subulate, ca. 1mm; pedicels 2-4mm long; flowers bisexual; sepals 5, petal-shaped, yellowish white , Obovate or broadly elliptic, 3-4 mm long, caducous; no petals; staminodes elliptic, 2.5-4 mm long, 1.6-2 mm wide, apex entire; stamens numerous, filamentous, long 3 -6mm; carpel 3-5, shortly shank, glabrous. Fruit capsule, oblong, 5-6mm long, 3-4mm wide, fruit handle about 1mm long. Seed oval, about 3mm long, surrounded by thin membranous wings. Flowering from August to September, fruiting from September to October.

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