There are many reasons for the poor application of organic fertilizer, which can be roughly divided into two major categories: the first is the cause of production enterprises, and the second is the reason for the application methods. 1 Reasons for the production company One is nutrients. Due to the low nutrient content of the raw materials or the fermentation production process, some companies have failed to pass the nutrient fermentation of organic fertilizers. In addition, some factories do not even have laboratories, and a batch of products are on the way to the market. The product produced by a non-fertilizer registration certificate is directly oriented towards users, and this piece is particularly difficult to supervise. The second is the pH value. The pH of the raw material changes greatly during the fermentation process. If the control process is not good, it is not surprising that the pH of the fermented organic fertilizer is above 8.5 or below 5.5. Peracid products can cause the growth of crops to be blocked or die, while over-alkaline organic fertilizers are exposed to more alkaline soils. The third is chloride ion content. Generally, no one will detect the chloride ion content in organic fertilizers, but some raw materials contain a lot of chloride ions, which can cause serious problems when applied to crops that are severely chlorinated. Some manufacturers add ammonium chloride, a type of chlorinated fertilizer, to organic fertilizers to increase nitrogen in total nutrients, which also leads to increased chloride levels and affect the growth of crops. The fourth is the amount of salt. In general, the organic fertilizer with raw sludge, kitchen waste, etc., as the raw material, has a high salt content, and the application of salt-tolerant crops causes yellow leaves, fallen leaves, wilting, and death. Fifth, the amount of cation exchange. Generally, organic fertilizers have a large cation exchange capacity, have good fertility and strong buffering capacity, and have a good buffering effect on pH and salinity. They play an important role in maintaining good soil conditions. Without composting organic manure or even selling dried manure, the cation exchange capacity is extremely low, which will not achieve the desired buffering effect. On the contrary, it will also harm the buffering effect of the soil itself and cause crop growth obstacles. Six is ​​humic acid. Combined with ammonium, potassium and sodium, humic acid has the function of stimulating the growth of crops, and has the effect of easy absorption. It can also improve the resistance of crops, promote production and promote germination, and can also increase soil buffering capacity because of its exchange capacity. Humic acid is produced continuously during the production of organic fertilizers. It is particularly evident at high temperature (greater than 50°C). Fresh raw materials contain almost no humic acid. Seven is a small molecule fatty acid. Small molecules of fatty acids are easy to attract flies, which is easier to observe. In general, small-molecule fatty acids exist in unrefined materials, such as fresh chicken manure. The harm it brings is to inhibit seed germination and inhibit root growth. Eight are heavy metals. Heavy metals accumulate in plants and eventually concentrate on people through the food chain, causing harm to people. At the same time, heavy metals can also cause damage to the growth of crops. Due to the high cost of equipment, most companies do not have equipment to detect heavy metals. The agricultural resources market has only seen law enforcement departments to detect heavy metals until now. Nine are harmful microorganisms. Composting temperature is not less than 5 days above 50°C, which can kill pathogenic bacteria and eggs and achieve harmlessness. However, in fact, many organic fertilizer producers have failed to reach 50°C or more but have not yet reached the time limit due to the technological level. Most locust eggs and coliform bacteria cannot be killed. This affects The crop grows healthy. 2 Reasons for application The poor application of organic fertilizers is related to the misleading marketing of fertilizer salesmen. It is also related to users' own knowledge and habits. First, organic fertilizer is used for topdressing. The user used organic fertilizer as a fertilizer to top-dress the fertilizer and failed to cover the soil in time. The fertilizer was only on the surface of the soil and could not fully contact with the soil and could not improve the soil. With sun and rain, beneficial microorganisms will not work, and nutrients will also be lost with water. The buffering capacity of organic fertilizers, loose soil, water-holding capacity, and heat preservation and fertilizer maintenance will not be reflected. The best mode of application of organic fertilizer is to use inorganic fertilizer as a base fertilizer, and it is best to mix it with the soil. Even if it cannot be done, at least (organic fertilizer) should be applied to the surface of the soil, such as furrowed Shixue. The second is direct contact between organic fertilizer and crops. Some users are concerned that fertilizer efficiency is not enough, or they want to be effective as soon as possible, and direct contact between organic fertilizers and crops. The consequence of this is that the seedlings will be seriously dead. The third is the direct application of fresh manure. The use of fresh manure is as if the manufacturer sells to the user an unrefined organic fertilizer, once the problem becomes more serious. Medical Equipment Disposal,Syringes Needles Sizes,Disposable Syringe,Insulin Syringe FOSHAN PHARMA CO., LTD. ,
Poor organic fertilizer may cause
In crop cultivation management, the poor fertilizer efficiency of organic fertilizers is most often mentioned. The effect of organic fertilizer application is good, in addition to the manufacturer's products themselves must meet the national standards, but also involves the correct dissemination and guidance of dealers and manufacturers of user-applied methods.