Riemerella anatipestifer disease is an acute or chronic infectious disease caused by Pasteurella anatipestifer, mainly affects 2 to 7-week-old ducklings, which can lead to a large number of duck deaths, causing serious economic losses to farmers. . The disease incidence and treatment in some duck farms in our city are reported below. 1 Incidence The duck farm purchased more than 3,000 ducklings from Shandong on June 19, 2005. It rained on June 27th. The ducklings began to develop on June 28, 30 to 40 ducklings and 5 to 6 dead. On the second day, the number of ticks increased significantly and the number of deaths was about 20. Gentamicin drinking water and norfloxacin spices were used. The epidemic was not controlled. The incidence was 15% at the time of treatment, and the mortality rate was 5%. 2 Cause of disease Because the farm did not thoroughly inspect the house before entering the ducklings, leakage of rain in the duck house caused the house to be damp and the pathogens were easy to survive, causing serositis. 3 clinical symptoms Feed intake decreased, sleepiness, necking, eye and nose secretions, and some even eyes were stuck, some sinuses swollen, the foot is not willing to walk, row of green or yellow-green thin stool, the majority of sick ducks appear ataxia Can't stand, it is not easy to flip when lying upside down. 4 necropsy changes Trapped dead duck, pericardium, balloon, liver surface covered with a layer of cellulose film; duodenal mucosal congestion, hemorrhage; pulmonary hemorrhagic edema, hepatomegaly, texture is relatively crisp and yellowish; sinus cavity with gray white bean curd residue Exudates; meningeal hyperemia and hemorrhage. 5 laboratory diagnosis 5.1 Liver and brain tissue smears of dead ducks were examined by microscopy. Gram-negative microscopic examination revealed gram-negative bacillus spp.; Wright's staining microscopic examination revealed viable bacilli at both ends. 5.2 Isolation and culture Aseptic manipulation Liver and brain tissues from dead dead ducks were streaked on McConkey agar plates and blood agar plates and cultured in a 37°C incubator and 37°C, respectively, for 24 hours. None was found on MacConkey plates. Colonies appeared, and round, smooth, moist, slightly uplifting, semi-transparent dewdrop-like colonies were formed on the blood agar plates, and were not hemolyzed. The cultures were smeared microscopically and the same as the diseased smears. 5.3 Fluorescent antibody examination Take liver or brain tissue as a smear, flame fixation, with a specific fluorescent antibody staining, examination under a fluorescent microscope, visible yellow-green ring structure, mostly scattered in a single. 5.4 Susceptibility testing The strain is highly sensitive to erythromycin, amoxicillin and amikacin, moderately sensitive to neomycin and kanamycin, and resistant to gentamicin. 6 treatment Through clinical symptoms and anatomical lesions combined with laboratory diagnosis, it was diagnosed as R. anatipestifer disease. 6.1 Improve the feeding environment, pay attention to the ventilation, remove the excrement in time, and replace the clean bedding. 6.2 Enhance the resistance of ducklings, use multiple vitamins to double the ingredients, and quickly fill drinking water. 6.4 amoxicillin in accordance with 0.025% group drinking water, amikacin 0.05% spices, used in conjunction for 3 days; with 1: 1600 100 poisoning drinking water disinfection 2 times / week. Three days after taking the above-mentioned treatment measures, the death was stopped and returned to normal after 5 days. Accelerate Freeze Dried Fig is made of selected ripe figs. The international advanced ultra-low temperature FD technology is adopted to sublime the water content of fruit, without changing the fruit color, shape and flavor. Retaining the original nutritional and medicinal components, without any additive, pigment, sweetener or preservative, it is the best-quality dried fruit. Accelerate Dried Fig won the Silver Medal at the [2017 China Characteristic Tourist Commodity Contest", as well as the [Gold Medal" of [Lishang Weihai" Most Characteristic Tourist Commodity. Freeze Dried Fig Fig WEIHAI ACCELERATE BIOTECHNOLOGY CO, LTD , https://www.accelerfig.com
6.3 Regular disinfection, preferably with 2 to 3 kinds of disinfectant to be used alternately, spray disinfection once a day for 7 days.