Quantum dot microcapsules can diagnose cancer

Galinna Nifentova, a nanobioengineering laboratory scholar at the Institute of Engineering Physics at the Moscow State University of Nuclear Research, collaborated with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Germany and France to obtain polyelectrolytes with heterogeneous electricity. Multilayer membrane microparticles, developed polyelectrolyte microcapsules with built-in quantum dots, which can be used to treat tumor diseases.

Quantum dots are fluorescent nanocrystals with bright brightness and high light resistance. The study determined the optimum amount of quantum dots used in the encoding process to ensure optimal properties of the encoded microcapsules; it demonstrates the process by which cells (including macrophages) absorb microcapsules.

Galina Nifonova, chief executive of the international project, said: "Experiments have shown that microcapsules can be tracked within cells by means of the distribution of capsules and their contents in cell compartments." Analysis of the properties of optically encoded microcapsules indicates that They can be used as the basis for the development of a new generation of highly effective drugs.

The results of the study were published in the Nano Research Express.

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