Release date: 2009-07-07
We have Oxytocin Injection and Cloprostenol Sodium Injection solve animals' parturition problems. Oxytocin Injection stimulates the uterus and strengthens the contraction of the uterine smooth muscle. Cloprostenol Sodium Injection subsides corpus luteum and stimulates uterine smooth muscle contraction and cervical relaxation.
Parturition Medicine,Cloprostenol Sodium for Injection,Cloprostenol Sodium Injection,Vet Hormone Medicine Jiangxi Institute of Biological Products Inc. ,
A new web-based radiology information system (RIS), after adding a variety of existing information, enables hospitals to obtain reports of patient information more securely, at any time and anywhere. Healthcare providers can now choose to use RIS for information exchange instead of traditional phone or fax, or as an aid to improve efficiency.
NightHawk Pros Teleradiology, Inc., Pennsylvania, USA, announces the launch of its comprehensive new online RIS system, which will be part of the company's core offerings and will be a value-added tool available to all customers for free. Lynn Delphus, Business Management at NightHawk Pros, said: “In general, large companies rely on online systems, and NightHawk Pros has earned a reputation for communicating directly with customers. We have added this system and added an extra layer of support and flexibility. So that our customers can choose the speed and efficiency that suits them best."
NightHawk's new RIS system is suitable for large-scale medical activities at night and can be used as an important means of gaining and improving efficiency. NightHawk combines the new RIS system with ThinAir Data products, giving customers quick and easy access to radiology expertise at night. Shanghai Medical Device Industry Association