Normal acupuncture, in addition to a slight pain in the patient's needle, acupuncture local or physical can have acid, hemp, heavy, bloated or comfortable feeling, which is acceptable to most people. Only when you feel mental fatigue, dizziness, nausea, or even symptoms such as pale, flustered, and suddenly fainting during acupuncture, it is a fainting. It is generally believed that this is a temporary cerebral ischemia and hypoxia caused by various reasons. The patients who received the first acupuncture treatment were mentally stressed, and the patients were hungry during acupuncture, or the body was weak after sweating, diarrhea, and major bleeding, and they were caused by standing and sitting postures. Acupuncturist's acupuncture method is too heavy, the clinic environment is not good, stuffy or cold is also one of the causes of fainting. When a fainting occurs, just remove all the needles on the patient in time, support the patient to lie flat, lower the head, loosen the belt, pay attention to ventilation and warmth, or give the patient warm water. The fainting phenomenon is usually a few minutes. disappear. For the occurrence of syncope, you can refer to the sputum or acupuncture in the middle, Neiguan, Zusanli or moxibustion Baihui, Guanyuan, Shenque and other points. If necessary, with modern first aid measures, it will soon return to normal. Hemodialysis Catheter,dialysis Catheter,powertrialysis dialysis catheter,peritoneal dialysis catheter,dialysis catheter kit Anesthesia Medical Co., Ltd. ,