Young Qingmei Summer and Autumn Management
Ume is the early germinating and deciduous variety of fruit plum, and the summer and autumn are important growing seasons, and it is also the key period for realizing the early and high yield of green plum. First, fertilization and intercropping The summer and autumn seasons, apply fertilizer 1 to 2 times per month (after 8 months, it is not appropriate to apply quick-effect fertilizer), use nitrogen fertilizer as the main fertilizer, and mix appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer (the ratio is 10З6З7). Generally, each application of thin human fecal urine or 0.3% urea solution (all of which are spiked with an appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer) is 1 kg. Planting green gardens for 3 years can plant melons, vegetables and legumes in an open space 1 meter away from the canopy, which can improve the soil and increase income. The intercropping crops need to be harvested before the end of August, otherwise it will delay the decrepitude of the green plum tree or cause it to be abnormal. Second, wipe buds and picking young young plum trees in summer and autumn shoots grow rapidly, will sprout a lot of buds. In order to reduce nutrient consumption, in the year of colonization, when the tree height is 60-70 cm, 3-5 uniform main branches should be selected. When the summer shoot is 40 centimeters long, it will be picked up. When the second branch is 30-40 centimeters long, it will be picked again. In the following year, the deputy main branches and small side branches were selected and the attention was paid to picking up and scraping the buds to form high-yield canopies as soon as possible. 3. Intertillage and Drought Resistance Weeds grow rapidly in summer and fall. They should be ploughed and weeded in 5, 7, 8, and 10 months. Plum green roots avoid moisture, shallow distribution, under the canopy should be shallow ploughing and cover weeds or straw. The cultivator can be carried out after rain or after irrigation to cut off the top soil capillary and reduce the evaporation of soil moisture. When the temperature is above 35°C, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, or furrow irrigation should be used to prevent the harm of high temperature and drought to plum trees. Fourth, expand the hole and change the soil in the fall. Cut 40-60 cm wide ring grooves along the canopy projection, fill 25 kg of organic fertilizer, 1 kg of bran cake, and 1 kg of phosphate fertilizer into each layer. This will lay a good foundation for the early yield of plum trees. V. Disease prevention and pest management Anthracnose occurred in July and August, causing damage to new shoots and leaves, causing early defoliation. It can be sprayed with tumefas or 1000-fold solution of dexanam. Plaster disease mainly occurs in summer, and the bacteria body is attached to the trunk surface in the form of a plaster. The pathogenic bacteria used in the secretion of scale insects can be used Bomi 0.36-0.4 degrees of lime sulfur or 1000 times omethoate emulsion spray scale insects, Bomer 1 degree of sulfur can also be used to brush the disease. The period of locusts is from June to July, which harms shoots and leaves. It can be sprayed with 90% trichlorfon 1000 times or marathon emulsion 1000-1500 times in the initial stage. Adults of chafers prosper from May to June, harming shoots and leaves. It can be sprayed with 1000 times liquid of trichlorfon or dimethoate at dusk, or it can be manually shaken to shake it and kill it.