Onion health benefits

Onion makes people love and hate, it is a must for many longevity elderly people, it can soften blood vessels, lower blood and thick, however, the housewife does not like it, because it will be processed tears, and that kind of spicy taste is not Everyone can accept. In fact, there are more secrets than these onions you don't know.


1, calcium health bone. Onion is rich in calcium, can be comparable to small vegetables such as rapeseed, cabbage and other calcium-rich vegetables, but also contains magnesium and potassium, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus are also suitable, good calcium absorption.

2, improve the intestinal environment. Onion and burdock, asparagus and other vegetables, containing oligosaccharides, not digested by the stomach and small intestine, but in the large intestine decomposition of foods such as Bifidobacterium and other beneficial bacteria.

3, promote weight loss and constipation. Onion is rich in dietary fiber, increases satiety and promotes bowel movements. In addition, the bifidogenic factors produced by onions also contribute to intestinal patency.

4, solution oily. Do some high-fat amaranth, such as steak, braised pork, grilled fish, etc. with onions can not only taste, but also to greasy oil and reduce the body's absorption of fat.

5, sterilization. The onion contains volatile sulfurized propylene, which has bactericidal and bacteriostatic action and disperses pests. Therefore, onions are zero-vegetable residual vegetables.

6, anti-cancer. Onion is rich in quercetin and selenium. The former inhibits the activity of cancer cells and prevents the growth of cancer cells. The latter is a powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidative damage in the body.

7, to prevent colds. Onion slightly spicy, with a divergent cold effect, can prevent colds, but also can ease the cold caused by nasal congestion, runny nose and other symptoms.

8, reduce the body's inflammatory response. The prostaglandin A contained in onion is a strong vasodilator, and it is helpful for alleviating the body's inflammatory response, regulating blood pressure, and reducing blood viscosity.

9, lower serum cholesterol. Onion contains soluble dietary fiber can reduce the body's absorption of cholesterol, lower serum cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system.

10, whitening beauty. Glutathione contained in onion can inhibit the formation of melanin and improve the skin inflammation such as eczema and urticaria. The flavonoid contained in it can reduce the damage of ultraviolet rays to the skin.

There are so many benefits of eating onions, is it that you are also tempted? It is not afraid to deal with tears, it is the tears of happiness! Onions are better eaten raw, cooked well, and at the end of the day we introduce the common ways of eating onions:

1, eaten raw. Wash and shred, soak in water and cool it, pick it up with a little oil on the next day, then remove the spicy taste. The crisp texture is very good.

2, cooked. As a versatile side dish, no matter what dish you use, you can grab a handful of onion and throw it in. Especially when it comes to leeks and oysters, the taste of the dish is even more abundant.

From today on, eat onions every day for health and beauty!

Greenhouse Sun-Shading System

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